The primary purpose of the Humanics Institute is: advancement of essential values inherent in all religions and cultures in the World and promotion of education concerning these values. Following are the Trinity of Essential Values inherent in all religions and cultures in the world that the Humanics Institute will be promoting:

  1. Oneness of reality;
  2. That all human beings are responsible beings, born free and equal in dignity and rights, and
  3. The intrinsic relationship between human beings and the natural and cosmic environment in the world around us.

The Humanics Institute will pursue its function of advancement of these essential values by promoting the appreciation of and respect for the three essential spiritual and religious values outlined above.

The primary focus of the Institute is to bring out the fact that these three essential values are core intrinsic and inherent values in all religions and cultures in the world. In the Humanics Sanctuary there will be areas allocated to all the major religions in the world to illustrate how these three essential values are inherent values within all these religions.

The Institute will also through its own educational programs, dialogues, meditation sessions etc. make the best effort to present a broad perspective of the three essential values outlined above, to demonstrate that they are among the essential spiritual beliefs or values common among all religions and cultures in the world. It will also make the best effort to provide an opportunity for everyone to get an appreciation of how these three essential values are also inherent in other religions in the world, than one’s own religion.

The Humanics Institute is deeply conscious of the fact that as Pope Francis has said:

It is not necessary to believe in God to be a good person. In a way the traditional notion of God is outdated. One can be spiritual but not religious. It is not necessary to go to church and give money – for many nature can be a church. Some of the best people in history did not believe in God, while some of the worst deeds were done in His name. [Citation needed]

On this issue the Humanics Institute by identifying “Oneness of Reality” as an essential value, is avoiding using the perception of, and the word “God” primarily as a personal beings who favours some groups of people that may claim to act  in his name, as opposed to their adversaries. Surely, the Omnipotent, Infinite Absolute One, (or “God”) includes and Loves all human beings, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, colour, religious affiliations, or their cultural or national heritage. Surely the Omnipotent, Infinite, Absolute One is not a Racist.

The Humanics Institute is thus making a genuine effort to avoid a narrow outdated perception of “God”, As indicated in the Humanics Institute’s definition of Humanics: “oneness of reality” is “the possible existence of an “absolute, infinite, spiritual, supernatural realm, entity or being” beyond but including all relative natural realms of time and space, and beyond that which is capable of being totally perceived by or through our senses. But which human beings may have been able to somewhat perceive or envision through revelations, meditation and prayer. In Section 2 below an effort will be made to further elaborate on Humanics Institute’s concept of “oneness of reality”.

While one may have some difficulties with the Humanics Institute’s concept of “oneness of reality” most people would not have much difficulty in accepting the other two essential values: “that “all human beings are responsible beings, born free and equal in dignity and rights”; and “the intrinsic relationship between human beings and the natural and cosmic environment around them”, and that these values are inherent in all cultures and religions in the world.

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