
The Humanics Institute is a unique multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-generational Canadian non-profit institution focused on endorsing principles of non-violence, human development, justice and peace in the world. The Institute celebrates Canadians’ spiritual, religious, cultural, racial, ethnic, and national diversity while promoting fundamental values that we share.

Who are we?

The Humanics Institute is a registered non-profit organization, which promotes awareness of the three essential values listed below:

  1. Oneness – Oneness of reality;
  2. Equality – All human beings are responsible beings equal in respect and dignity. and
  3. Interconnectedness – The intrinsic relationship between human beings and the natural and cosmic environment.

While advancing awareness of these essential spiritual values, the Institute simultaneously celebrates Canadians’ spiritual, religious, cultural, racial, ethnic, and national diversity.

For more information about the essential values we promote, please visit our page about the Essential Values.

What Motivate us?

While acknowledging that differences exist we believe that the commonalities in our religious beliefs, spirituality, race, culture, ethnicity, and nationality ultimately unite us. While celebrating diversity, we strive to advance the awareness that we are not fundamentally different from on another.

What we are working on?

Gathering a group of members, representing different religious and cultural backgrounds, to connect with one another, to promote our shared values and deliver our programs and initiatives.


For more information about our programs and initiatives, and how like-minded individuals can become involved please visit our Programs & Initiatives page.

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