Invitation to become an Associate Member of the Humanics Institute and the Humanics Sanctuary and Sculpture Park.

The Humanics Institute is extending an inviation to its Associate Members, and anyone wishing to become an Associate Member, to a public meeting at 4 p.m., on March 31 at the Ray Friel Recreation Complex, 1585 Tenth Line Road, Orleans.

Associate Members have shown a special interest in the Sanctuary, and the purpose of our meeting on March 31 is to explain the opportunities for those members to be even more engaged in the ongoing development of the Humanics Sanctuary and Sculpture Park.

Please note that because the board of directors places a particular value on the contribution of others, it has decided to offer an Associate membership to anyone who has worked as a volunteer or made donations or significant contributions towards the development of the Humanics Sanctuary and Sculpture Park.

The terms of this Associate membership will depend on the nature of the contribution or volunteer involvement. For example, anyone who volunteers for at least 12 hours at the sanctuary and park will be recognized with an Associate membership for the following year. Anyone who donates $1,000 or more will receive a lifetime Associate membership. Please contact me or any board member for more details.

As a non-profit organization, we depend on volunteers to help realize the development, operations and promotion of the Humanics Sanctuary and Sculpture Park. Associate Members can contribute to the sanctuary and park in many ways, from welcoming visitors and issuing tickets to conducting tours and assisting with landscaping, fundraising and other essential activities.

We invite you to learn more by attending our March 31st event:

4:30 p.m.             Registration and meet personally with the Board of Directors of the Humanics Institute

5:00 p.m.             Welcome address and an introduction to the vision and purpose of the Humanics Sanctuary and Sculpture Park by Dr. Ranjit Perera, President of the Humanics Institute.

5:20 p.m.             Brief description of work involved in welcoming visitors and conducting guided tours by Patrick Langston.

5:35 p.m.             Introduction to work involved with landscaping and maintenance by Suzanne Routhier.

5:40 p.m.             Introduction to organizing events for group at the Sanctuary, and publicizing event and activities of the Sanctuary Jocelyne Smallian-Khan.

5:50 p.m.             Information about fundraising and sponsoring of sculptures by Hiran Sandanayake.

6:00 p.m.             Opportunity to enroll as Associate Members and sign up for various volunteer roles.

6:30 p.m.             Pot luck supper and social.

The Humanics Institute invites all those who have visited the Humanics Sanctuary and expressed interest in participating in our activities to attend this event and consider becoming Associate Members.  If you are interested in pursuing this offer, please sign the Humanics Institute Associate Membership form and e-mail a scanned copy to or mail it to Humanics Institute, 601 Brookridge Crescent, Ottawa, Ontario, K4A 1Z6,  along with a cheque or an e-mail transfer for the annual membership fee for 2019 of $25.

For more information about this event and about the Humanics Sanctuary and Sculpture Park, visit

I look forward to greeting you on March 31.

Dr. Ranjit Perera

President, Humanics Institute