Area B
Human Dignity and Respect
Sculpture by Bissalom Pheri, Roots of Expression Studio, Lusaka, Zambia
It is by means of innate curiosity and wonder that children explore their environment and learn. In this sculpture, the big stone that the sculpture rests on represents the environment into which a child is born, which profoundly shapes a child’s potential. Children are innocent and vulnerable.
If a child lives with: Criticism, he learns to condemn. Hostility, he learns to fight. Ridicule, he learns to be shy. Shame, he learns to be guilty. Tolerance, he learns to be patient. Encouragement, he learns confidence. Praise, he learns to appreciate. Fairness, he learns Justice. Security, he learns faith. Approval, he learns to like himself. Acceptance and friendship, to Love. Love and compassion, he finds love in the world;
Adapted from the original poem ‘Children Learn what they Live, by Dorothy Law Nolte.
Can we re-discover childish wonder within ourselves and others?

Sculpture by Agnew Masango Roots of Expression Studio, Lusaka, Zambia
The capacity to think and discover is one of humanity’s most profound capacities. This power can be used for selfish or limited purposes, or to benefit everyone. We can be driven by greed, anger and illusion, or to add to the common storehouse of knowledge and to serve others. Science is one of the glories of our species but, as Einstein said, “mere thinking cannot give us a sense of the ultimate and fundamental ends” of human existence. From where do you derive your life’s greatest goals and highest purpose?

Sculptures by Agnew Masango Roots of Expression Studio, Lusaka, Zambia
Dreaming consists of a succession of images or stories which come to our mind, usually when we are asleep. They can be frighten-ing, puzzling or inspi-rational, depending on the feelings below the surface of our minds. Many great discoveries and decisions have been based on what has been experienced while dreaming. The great U.S. civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Lu-ther King referred to dreams as a yearning in his famous speech “I have a dream” deliv-ered in August 1963. How can you contact your own deepest and most important dreams?

Sculpture by Benjamin Musandaru of Mvurwi Arts Centre, Zimbabwe
The sculptor gave his creation the title of ‘listen and observe before you speak’. It suggests being fair-minded by gathering and studying the facts. Speech based on poorly developed opinions or stereotypes can be dangerous, spreading falsehoods and fanning the fires of prejudice. Integrity, on the other hand, connotes an incorruptible commitment to honesty and accuracy.
Who have you heard about, whether living or dead, who has a reputation for integrity?

Sculpture by Bissalom Pheri Roots of Expression Studio, Lusaka, Zambia
We are all touched repeatedly in our life by suffering: for example, poverty, discrimination, rejection, ill health, loneliness, loss and death. Yet, suffering spurs us to think and act more creatively and is, therefore, a stimulus to evolution. Consumerism, addictions, entertainment and the search for power are some of the inadequate ways we may use in our attempt to escape suffering. Religion proposes other means: withdrawing into the wilderness, purification of one’s motives, love, prayer, study and reflection, meditation and sacrificial acts of service.
How do you respond to suffering when you meet it face to face?

Sculpture by Takawira Chiwanying, Mvurwi Arts Centre, Zimbabwe
Every action has its consequences and we might regard the present moment as the consequence or result of all previous actions. Any one individual action, for example showing kindness to a stranger, can be powerful because it can affect in a cascading way the future actions of multiple others leading to what is called a virtuous circle, the rapid spreading of a positive environment. Another dimension of this is the idea of reward and punishment, or “as you sow, so shall you reap”; to this statement, some would add “reap if not in this world, than in the next”.
What might be the impact of the concerted collective effort of you and your friends for one month to achieve a certain result?

Sculpture by Nyanga Septine, Chitungwiza Arts Centre, Zimbabwe
The way the two females are standing and holding hands in this sculpture suggests there is tremendous closeness between them: cherishing, and the desire to protect and nourish. It could be of a mother and daughter, two sisters, or two friends. The women are of different heights and perhaps age, the color of their clothes are different and each person looks out at the world independently in their own way. This indicates that oneness and uniqueness are simultaneously possible. Even identical twins, although similar in many respects, are unique.
How do you manage differences in friendship?

Sculpture by Tutani Mugabazi Mvurwi Art Center, Zimbabwe
Countries are increasingly tuning in to each others’ news, sports, music, movies, books and TV shows. These days, supplementing local heroes traditionally drawn from religion, monarchs, politics and the military, the new global he-roes making a sensation may be technology entrepreneurs, musicians, actors and sports-people. And celebrity status due to one’s heredity is giving way to that achieved through one’s own efforts towards excellence. On the flip side, there is real concern with the superficiality of celebrity worship, some celebrities’ less than exemplary behavior and their fantastic wealth and ties to advertising.
Who are your heroes?

Sculpture by Wilfred Tembo, Mvurwi Arts Centre, Zimbabwe
A focus on the continuous amassing of wealth, whether in cattle, grain or dollar bills, is a sickness fuelled by fear, envy or greed. Those suffering from it are anxious to accumulate riches but once they have it worry about its loss. Moreover, the inequality it produces tends to isolate the owners and undermine their peace and security. Historically, human beings worked in small groups to ensure their collective survival. The reality is that human beings are happiest when they have close family or friends, and a clear conscience. There is also joy in giving gifts, and in helping others without counting the costs.
What is illusory about accumulating wealth?

SculpturebyMelodyFombe Chitungwiza Arts Centre, Zimbabwe
The development 50,000-100,000 years ago of the basics of language has been identified as a key factor in bettering our survival chances, for example by improv-ing hunters’ ability to work together. As settled civilizations emerged in Mesopotamia and elsewhere, our communication and collaboration skills grew rapidly. Indeed, as our lives have become more complex and interdependent with others, clear, honest and responsive communication has become the very foundation for effective collaboration.
How can working together be further improved?

Sculpture from Revival Shona Arts Centre, Zimbabwe
One of the greatest virtues is patience when faced with difficulties. This sculpture depicts a girl waiting for her boyfriend to propose to her. Other circumstances may involve waiting and hoping for someone to return from war, recover from ill health or get out of prison. Waiting is often a stressful and anxious time. But, it does develop discipline and optimism. It also creates an opportunity to evaluate one’s commitments, and to accomplish other tasks in the meantime.
What are you now waiting for?

Sculpture by Tutani Mugabazi, Mvurwi Art Center, Zambia
Although the sounds and instruments are different, music is a greatly appreciated universal means of expressing human emotions. Many birds, animals, fish, and insects use sound and silence as well. For example, as part of their mating calls, to sound an alarm of impending danger, and as a signal of dawn and dusk, such as cocks crowing early morning and nightingales signing at night.
What kind of music do you like and why?

Sculptures by Maliti Kaunda, Chitungwiza Arts Centre, Zimbabwe
The brain, upon which our intelligence depends, contains hundreds of trillions of connections which store memory and process information. Having a closed mind suggests that one is no longer benefitting from learning. We may become closed minded when we are exhausted or hurt, and find it difficult to take in anything new, or because of stubborn prior judgements which prevent us from seeing reality.
In what areas are our minds closed to new learning?

Sculptures by Maliti Kaunda, Chitungwiza Arts Centre, Zimbabwe
More than ever, it is obvious that humans can only grow and achieve success through learning and applying knowledge. Being open-minded means we are open to new information and don’t automatically reject ideas which are foreign to us. We seek eagerly to add to our understanding of reality, by openly embracing rather than rejecting new knowledge. In the same way, it is easier to smile than frown, being open-minded can be rather enjoyable and effortless.
In what ways do you show you are open-minded?

Sculptures by Maliti Kaunda, Chitungwiza Arts Centre, Zimbabwe
Awareness in human beings extends from being deeply unconscious in an unresponsive coma to meditating on the nature of our minds. Our consciousness changes throughout the day. We may find ourselves waking up groggily in the morning but thinking deeply about the morality of our choices before falling asleep at night. While being conscious involves being aware of our outer environment, more and more it means to have a high degree of inner awareness, integrity and authentic serenity.
What would you like to become more conscious of?

Sculpture by Tutani Mugabazi Mvurwi Arts Centre, Zimbabwe
Almost all religions and cultures in the world declare the existence of a unique consciousness derived from intuition or direct knowledge of an Absolute, Infinite, Being, Entity or Realm. Indeed, the knowingness and wisdom of the Founders of the great world religions appear to come from a source far transcending normal human capabilities. Their revelations have opened the doors to understanding for billions of people, and their teachings have been effective in laying the groundwork for societies to be more united and virtuous.
What are your thoughts about an absolute, infinite being, entity or realm?

Sculpture by Ishmel Chitiyo, Chitungwiza Arts Centre, Zimbabwe
One of the principal means by which human beings overcome conflict is by arriving at a mutually respectful win/win resolution, through dialogue. Understanding and focusing on common interests is conducive to agreement, cooperation and security. You may notice that this unusual sculpture portrays two groups of individuals facing opposite directions, but joined together at their heads and hearts.
Can effective consultation and dialogue can unite people?

Sculpture by Ameri Kambiri, Chitungwiza Arts Centre,
This sculpture of a miner refers to the extraction of natural resources which historically has involved heavy labour, meagre incomes and dangerous working conditions. Even to this day, many miners die when their underground shafts collapse. The mining of coal underlines the need for conservation, both to protect limited natural resources and to minimize global warming. The organization of people for a progressive positive cause, in this case into unions of workers which gave back workers their pride and improved working conditions, is also implied by this sculpture.
What kind of physical labour do you enjoy doing?

Sculpture by Author Manyengeoko, Chitungwiza Arts Centre, Zimbabwe
Basket Ball was invented in 1891 by a Canadian and, today, in North America draws more than 20 million spectators per year. Games are an ancient activity, found in every culture. The formal organization of games was intended to channel the human propensity to play and to compete, to develop physical and mental prowess, provide entertainment, and create a sense of team. Sports and other games continue to be created and evolve, and help civilize humankind. Concepts of “fair play”, “good sportsmanship” and “playing by the rules” teach fairness, safety and the development of more sophisticated skills than mere rough and lawless combat.
What kind of games do you like playing?

Sculpture by Bissolom Pheri, Roots of Expression Studio, Lusaka, Zambia
In our life on this earth, we go through many transitions beginning with birth and ending with death. From infancy we become a child, then a teenager, grow into adulthood, likely embark on a career, get married, have children and experience old age. During this time, we have a tremendously wide range of experiences of all types – tinged with beauty and tragedy, freedom and suppression, love and loss, courage and defeat. Yet, each person has a unique set of transitions and history itself does not repeat itself.
Where do you think your current transition is leading you?

Sculpture by Agnew Masango, Roots of Expression Studio, Lusaka, Zambia
In this sculpture, the visionary is depicted as seeing “The True Reality” (symbolized by the Buddha statue in the background) which is beyond what the eyes can see immediately in front of themselves. As the Hindu sacred book, the Bhagavad Gita, states: “The human eye can see only the outward form: the inner soul is perceived by the eye of the spirit…The vision is not a mental construction but a disclosure of the truth from beyond the finite mind.”
What is your vision of the far future?

Sculpture by Bissalom Pheri, Roots of Expression Studio, Lusaka, Zambia
There may be a certain optimum period in life during which the individual is in good health and confidence, at the height of knowledge and career, surrounded by family and friends, in their own home and financially sound. Old age, on the other hand, represents the period of sunset when all which has been achieved is grad- ually given up. This sculpture is placed opposite to Childhood Wonder to suggest that wisdom, the ability to discern what is true, real, enduring and effective, may continue to grow even during old age.
What do you hope for in your old age? These are two sides of the same sculpture